
Your weekend of inspirational creative writing workshops 

Transform your writing in a beautiful seaside venue, sponsored by the Amazon Literary Partnership.  

Hear stories of getting published, gasp at the near misses and lucky breaks, cheer as our hero sees their book on the shelves. Learn from published authors, professional playwrights, journalists from the BBC and the Guardian. Enjoy a single session or flow through the whole weekend. 

Each session limited to just 12 participants. Get on the mailing list for ticket announcements.



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Workshops on Saturday 28th

11am - 12noon | Marine Studios

Creative Life Writing with Nicola Wren

Learn to creatively write compelling stories using your own life experience. 

✷ Generate stories from memories/experience
✷ Write fiction grounded in truth
✷ Overcome creative blocks and self-doubt

 ­­­Named “A talent to watch” (The Guardian), Nicola Wren has written and performed plays globally. She runs writing workshops and true story-telling events.

12.30pm -1.30 pm | Marine Studios

Exploring Your Writing Voice with Elise Valmorbida

Lively exercise-based workshop to flex and fathom your creative writing voice.  

✷ What comes naturally—or not!
✷ Deactivating your inner saboteur 
✷ Individuality and spontaneity 

Award-winning Elise Valmorbida has published four novels (notably The Madonna of the Mountains) and three non-fiction books, including creative writing guide The Happy Writing Book. www.elisevalmorbida.com 

2pm - 3pm | Marine Studios

Adding Comedy to your Writing with Dale Shaw

Formulate comedy that is appropriate and effective and improves all aspects of your writing. 

✷ Generating ideas.
✷ When to add comedy
✷ And when not to add comedy

Dale Shaw is a television and radio writer, author, journalist, screenwriter, performer, podcast producer and musician.  

3.30pm - 4.30pm | Marine Studios

Gimme Danger –  Injecting Jeopardy into Your Story with Sebastian Baczkiewicz

It’s always good to up the ante! An accessible and jargon-free look at jeopardy in stories. 

✷ Injecting jeopardy into your story
✷ Developing character through overcoming obstacles
✷ Creating opportunity out of disaster

Sebastian Baczkiewicz is an award winning writer. His series Pilgrim has a world wide following. A screenplay and a Sky original series are under commission. 

Workshops on Sunday 29th

11.00am - 1.30pm| Marine Studios

Sensing The Sea: A Writing Walkshop with Jessica Taggart Rose and Lauren Turner

Join a coastal walk using all five senses and explore writing the world around us. 

✷ Connect to Margate’s coastal environment
✷ Use nature as inspiration
✷ Understand the power of specificity 

Jessica Taggart Rose is a poet concerned with the interactions between humanity and nature. Her debut pamphlet is out in October. She lives in Margate. 
Lauren Turner is a BBC journalist who writes short stories, flash fiction and poetry. A former entertainment reporter, she's interviewed everyone from rockstars to royalty.  

2pm - 3pm | Marine Studios

Edit like a pro – for writing that packs a punch with Anna Patton

We’ll cover tips and tricks for better writing, what to look out for as an editor, and how to edit your own work. This session is based on Anna's experience in editing business writing, opinion pieces, news stories, features and non-fiction case studies.

✷ The importance of “killing your darlings”
✷ The power of simplicity, clarity and freshness
✷ Making the mo­­st of rhythm and structure 

Anna Patton is a writer and editor with 15 years’ experience in journalism, copywriting and charity communications. More about Anna here.

3.30pm - 4.30pm Marine Studios

Keep On Keeping On with Sheryl Garratt

Writing can be a lonely business. And when going gets tough, enthusiasm can fade. 
So what tools and techniques keep you writing? Join renowned creative coach, author and magazine editor Sheryl Garratt for an hour of very practical advice.

✷ How to create the writing habit
✷ Get through the messy middle
✷ Find the support you need

A journalist for 30+ years, Sheryl Garratt edited The Face and Observer magazines. She now helps creatives manage projects and get them out.